Watch To See How This Revolutionary App Is  Changing The World Of Fundraising 

Watch To See How This Revolutionary App Is  Changing The World Of Fundraising 

(you'll never fundraise the same way again)

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The free fundraising app built for YOU.

No matter how much you need to raise or what type of fundraiser you do
our app will make it easier, faster and fun.
 We respect your privacy

Our success stories

MoneyDolly is the result of a team that has over 2 decades
of experience in building successful fundraisers

"I was skeptical at first, however; That was the easiest fundraiser that we have EVER participated in... Not having to collect a bunch of money was AMAZING!! The girls and I both loved not having to keep track of order forms and using the app was so simple! As a leader I could track the girls progress. We were able to enjoy raising money for our club this year! This is definitely the future of fundraising! 
Thank you so much for being able to adapt to the times and bring us a new way of getting the funds needed for our booster club. I look forward to working with you again later this year!
Gini Holland
Pres., Maricopa Softball Boosters Club
“MoneyDolly gave us a completely contactless fundraiser when we needed it. We had incredible success with no door to door selling. I loved being able to share it with so many people so easily. I personally shared my link on Facebook, forgot that I put it there, and the next thing I knew, I had 23 orders! This is the future.”
Maryann Stegall
Mesa Badminton

After years of having to collect cash from students daily, MoneyDolly was a godsend. Not having to worry about kids losing cash was a huge relief. Every penny is counted for and ever order is automatically collected and tracked. As a coach I was able to keep an eye on each player's sales and encourage them along the way. They were able to make sales much easier without going door to door. Everything is electronic and easily tracked. Our profit was quickly sent to our club after our fundraiser. Several teams at our school now use MoneyDolly for their fundraisers and I don't see any of them going back to the old way.
Greg Perkins
Athletic Director, Holbrook High School
"MoneyDolly was a game changer for our program. We no longer deal with paperwork or collecting money. The boys loved the technology and the ability to share a personalized link. As coaches, we loved tracking everything in real time so we could maximize our success. We were able to reach people all over the country and expand our volleyball community. We even made more money!"
Ryan Tolman
Perry Volleyball
"MoneyDolly has overwhelmingly changed the fundraising process for the better. It was so much easier and less stressful not having to collect and be responsible for cash and checks. Not having to keep track of orders and forms eliminates another headache, no more trying to decipher which customers have paid and which haven't. Overall, MoneyDolly helped make our fundraiser nearly two times as successful as previous years. The app was easy and helped us reach more customers than ever before. There is definitely no going back to the old way of fundraising!"
Scott Baker
Holbrook Softball
"This fundraiser helped kick off my first season as Head Coach. It was extremely easy to keep track and hold everybody accountable. It was very successful and the kids became competitive. It was easy to reach people who all over the state. No going door to door, no collecting money, no order forms needed. This was the most organized fundraiser I have been a part of. It was actually a lot of fun."
Chris Daigle
Mountain Pointe Girls Soccer

The Free fundraising app built for The Modern Era.

Fundraising has never been so easy, so hands-off and so successful!

Students & Participants

It’s an app! 
One place to manage goals, see progress and easily invite anyone to support your fundraiser with text, email, social media or in person. 

Coaches, Boosters, & Leaders

Maximize participation and profitability by gamifying your fundraisers.

​Monitor participation and success with real time data. It’s like a coach is always with them.

Organizations & Admin

Track the progress of teams and clubs across all of your fundraising groups. Receive detailed, organized reports without having to lift a finger.

Parents & Guardians

​​All their fundraising is safe, secure, and organized in one easy to use app. You get to sit back and watch your kids do what they do best - connect.     

We have helped raise millions of dollars.

What are you waiting for? Connect with a MoneyDolly representative today and you'll soon be wondering how you ever did things the old way.

 We respect your privacy
Copyright © 2021 MoneyDolly. All rights reserved.